Should Kids Be Getting Allowance?

Should kids be getting allowance?

In my opinion i don’t think that kids should be getting allowance. Kids usually get allowance every month or sometimes they get it from doing chores. I don’t see why you should be getting money just for doing chores. Isn’t every one supposed to help clean up the house? I don’t think most kids really need spending money. Some kids just spend the money on video games which i  think is usually a waste unless its from Christmas or your birthday. If you get money to save in a bank account for university then I guess its not really a waste because your saving for the future and not spending it for the things that you want to have. So should kids really be getting allowance? i think no.


Image result for money cartoon

One response to “Should Kids Be Getting Allowance?

  1. Ryan, I agree that children should only get money to put in banks or good causes and, I get $1 a year so…

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